The AFA Library Conference Room seats up to twenty individuals and is equipped with a 90″ monitor/computer, air-media enabled. Polycom video conferencing equipment/software is also available. Only minimal technical support is available from AFA Library staff.
Intended Use
The Conference Room houses the AFA Library Special Collections and is intended primarily for use by library staff for research instruction, staff training, and library-related events and meetings. Priority use for the room is scheduled library instruction. Requests by non-library instructors will be considered on a limited basis when a class lesson incorporates a presentation by a librarian or the active use of non-circulating library materials. Meeting requests related to the College of the Arts or the College of Design, Construction & Planning will be considered. The room is not available for general study or meeting space or for ongoing, regular academic course meetings.
Library employees may request room scheduling through the Outlook system (Lib-AFA Conference Room) or by emailing the Access Services Manager. All other requests should be directed to your subject specialist librarian. Requests will be approved based upon availability, session content, and affiliation. Requests that fall outside priority use guidelines may be denied.
The Conference Room may only be used during the business hours of the AFA Library. Meetings should end at least thirty minutes prior to library closing time.
Food and Drink
With rare exception, food and drink are not allowed in this space.
The Conference Room is enclosed but is not completely sound-proof. Please be courteous when adjusting audio volume levels.
The room is often cold. If you are scheduled to use it for an extended period, we recommend bringing a sweater, just in case.